Monday, December 6, 2010

Beyonce VS Alessandra | Vogue Nippon Cover

A japán Vogue Beauty két ugyanolyan covert csinált a decemberi számukhoz, az egyiken Beyoncet, míg a másikon a sokkal tapasztaltabb modellt, Alessandra Ambrosiot láthatjuk.

Japanese Vogue Beauty has made two covers for their december issue, one featuring Beyonce, and the other with the much more experienced, brazilian supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio.


Neked melyik tetszik jobban?!
Which one do you like better?!

Sokan esküsznek rá hogy Beyonce fejét ráphotoshoppolták Alessandra testére, ugyanis ha megnézzük a két képet, az arcukon kívűl minden más teljesen stimmel! Érdekes.. és ez bizony nem az első ilyen eset!

There have been rumours that they photoshopped Beyonce's head onto Alessandra's body, if you look at the picture closely you can see that besides their faces, everything else pretty much looks.. well, exactly the same. Interesting.. it certainly isn't the first time this has happened!

Read more... for more pictures.