La Vardera Architecture

Gregory La Vardera is an Architect located in Merchantville, NJ. He has been developing plans for modern homes that have something for everyone. There are three great things about his work. You buy plans for houses that are already designed, saving a great deal of money while still having the creative design of a great architect. He has a good variety of plans to choose from so you're not locked into one or two designs, and finally, the work is great. See his website for many more designs and his blog for more pictures and info on the building of these homes


La Vardera Architecture

Gregory La Vardera is an Architect located in Merchantville, NJ. He has been developing plans for modern homes that have something for everyone. There are three great things about his work. You buy plans for houses that are already designed, saving a great deal of money while still having the creative design of a great architect. He has a good variety of plans to choose from so you're not locked into one or two designs, and finally, the work is great. See his website for many more designs and his blog for more pictures and info on the building of these homes

La Vardera Architecture