But times change. Like the Dow.
With the sluggish economy and the credit crunch, fashion lovers are many serious retreat. Fashion, like eating out is one of the first things that many enjoy the good times - and one of the first things they run out of hard times.
Gone are the days of expensive fashion bags and favorite styles in various colors. Instead, logic and fiscal responsibility are forced into the mix. Fashionistas have become "recession" - after his "passion for fashion," but if you do within the limitations of the current economy.
They have become - oh, say not so! - Like the rest of us. Only still look very chic. Strategies cabinet is happening around in these difficult times are the same as I have embraced for years, once they "saw the light" and learned to focus on style rather than fashion. If you follow some of these suggestions, you can watch all the good that the economy or the budget of home ownership.
That's like being a recession:
1. They spend more on the clothes you wear most
Investment dressing means spending as much as you can use parts you expect to use a lot. Coats, shoes, handbags, clothes - the backbone of your wardrobe, as the backbone of his body, has to be strong and robust. If you spend $ 400 on a beautiful coat of wool that are five days a week, four months a year for three years, the cost per wear is only $ 1.67. (5 days x 16 weeks x 3 years = layer is used 240 times. $ 400/240 = $ 1.67). You will get your money's worth using investment pieces.
Conversely, if you spend $ 400 on a special occasion dress you wear once or twice, the cost per wear is a murderer ($ 400 or $ 200, respectively). Yet that is exactly what many do: "all out" for special occasions in your life and "go cheap" the rest of the time. Do not do that. Like a carpenter with his tools, a dancer with his shoes, or a musician with his instrument, you need to invest in clothing and accessories that you use all the time. Otherwise, they will wear out quickly and will have to replace them frequently. At the end you spend a lot more to do than buying quality from the beginning.
2. Replenish their foundations as cheaply as possible
Now you have the big ticket items the way, back to the basics that you buy every year, like underwear, pajamas, shirts, socks, etc., as cheaply as possible - and still look for quality. You can not expect these articles every day to last forever, but should not disintegrate after a few washings, either. Go with the name you can trust, such as Hanes, Gap and H & M for their day to day basics.
3. They are based on their signature style
When money is tight is not the time to explore their personalities other clothing. You may feel the need to channel Marilyn Monroe Fergie one day and the next, but in reality, getting the bill for all that the exploration will take the joy right out of her art. So do not. Building in the signature style, add whimsical pieces as you want, but do a closet makeover all on a regular basis. It's too exhausting. Not to mention expensive.
4. Go at low prices on Trends - total or skip
If your budget is particularly difficult, it makes sense to spend a lot on the trends that will not be for long. Go cheap-cheap on them - or just skip it completely. Or, go look in your closet to see if you can recreate or approximate a trend from something you already have. You can look up a day without spending a dime.
5. Mix Up Eras, labels and price ranges
If you really feel the need to be creative, write the last number of your favorite fashion magazine, walk away slowly, and look elsewhere for inspiration in fashion. Like vintage shops or discount stores or even your own attic. Mix the old with new, high-end to low end, this season spent long periods. People admire his ingenuity.
I attended an event this summer in a designer dress separation grid Marshalls "($ 22), a pair of sandals from DSW ($ 34), a pair of pearl earrings that I received as a graduation present, pearl beads and a bag my mother later in the decade of 1960. I was treated like a princess all night. Total cost: $ 56.
So keep these tips in mind loved fashion, especially if you're used to dress a certain way to a new low budget can not afford. Looking good and spend a lot do not always go hand in hand. I have seen the woman in a traffic stop of $ 40 Wal-Mart clothes, and I've seen women become withdrawn using thousands of people in designer clothing. This is not how much you spend or how much you have, it's about being smart with what you have or can afford. So do not pine over the impact of the economy in his closet. Gets tough, get creative, and become a recession.